HOME / Cases / Redesign and extending of existing solution on Oracle Commerce Platform

Redesign and extending of existing solution on Oracle Commerce Platform


Subsidiary of Deutsche Telekom group had effective service that was implemented on Oracle Commerce Platform and 1Datagroup team was partly involved to implementation process due to successful collaboration with IT Services Provider with international presence which works actively with the leading Telecommunications Groups in Europe such as Deutsche Telekom, Orange, Vodafone, Telenor, and has 15+ mobile, fixed & convergent Operators as Customers.

Deutsche Telecom group's subsidiary was merged with another telecom operator that provided another service for clients and the decision appeared to use subsidiary's online service for common goals by functionality merging, adding new features (offers listing, new discount mechanism, etc.) to adapt existed solution to new service that appeared after merging of these companies.

1Datagroup was responsible for two phases of the project of merging services due to the company recommended itself as the team with good expertize in ATG and with knowledge base of previous implemented solution that was successfully delivered.

Phase 1: Support for existing solution and change requests implementation.

Phase 2: Redesign existing solution according to new client requirements.

Deutsche Telecom group's subsidiary was merged with another telecom operator that provided another service for clients and the decision appeared to use subsidiary's online service for common goals by functionality merging, adding new features (offers listing, new discount mechanism, etc.) to adapt existed solution to new service that appeared after merging of these companies.

1Datagroup was responsible for two phases of the project of merging services due to the company recommended itself as the team with good expertize in ATG and with knowledge base of previous implemented solution that was successfully delivered.

Phase 1: Support for existing solution and change requests implementation.

Phase 2: Redesign existing solution according to new client requirements.



According to client requirements redesign and extend existing solution.
Adapt pricing and checkout process based on new functionality.







18 months

Functional Area

Software development




  • ATG 10.1.2
  • ATG Search
  • ATG Personalization
  • ATG Programming
  • ATG Data Anywhere Architecture
  • ATG Content Management
  • Oracle Database
  • Weblogic
  • CMS Sitebuilder
  • Ant
  • Git


The existing solution on Oracle Commerce Platform (ATG) has undergone significant changes:

  • Redesign pricing and add to cart functionality
  • Develop from scratch all integration end-points
  • Implement offer management system (core of the offers’ functionality)
  • Extend existing catalogue by new types of products
  • Redesign listing and product details pages


  • Redesign import process
  • Redesign my account pages according to new client requirements
  • Implement offer listing and details pages
  • Implement new discount mechanism based on selected offers

Next diagram shows structure of update structure of the product catalog




The project was accomplished in 18 months. Code review and detailed testing contributed to high quality and helped to use time resources effectively.

New product types appeared on the Telecom market after companies’ merging.

Team successfully extended the product catalog, implemented the core for discount, pricing and other functionality for existed solution to adapt it for new business requirements.

Our team in collaboration with partner delivered new website with extended functionality provided different services of merged companies that was successfully accepted and used by Customer.

Useful services

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